- Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Persuasive Communication - Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam - H.Hendriks@uva.nl
Naam: Dr. Hanneke Hendriks (external communications officer)
PhD: 2014, University of Amsterdam
Promotor: Prof. Bas van den Putte
Co-promotor(s): Gert-Jan de Bruijn; Claes de Vreese
MSc: 2009, Radboud University Nijmegen
Specialiteiten: Interpersonal communication, social media, Sociale Netwerking Sites, online communication, health campaigns, alcohol consumption and binge drinking, Conversations, Digital communication, Influencer marketing
Onderzoek: My PhD-project focused on the question how interpersonal communication and health campaigns interact in influencing alcohol use among young people. After obtaining my PhD, I worked three years as an assistant professor at Leiden University (Social and Organizational Psychology), where I mainly focused my research on the predictors, processes, and consequences of interpersonal health communication. Since 2016, I returned as an assistant professor at the communication science department in Amsterdam where I started to focus more on digital communication topics, mostly – but not limited to – health topics. One of the questions I try to answer is how young people interact with alcohol content on social media and what influence this has. In that context I am involved in two separate projects for which I received funding from NWO (Veni grant) and an internal funding from Leuven University. Aside from these projects I study effects of alcohol marketing and influencer marketing, and I investigate online misinformation in the context of vaccinations.
Projecten: Below you can find a list of the projects I am/have been involved in:
- Veni-project: Alcohol on Sociale Netwerking Sites
Many adolescents and young adults consume a lot of alcohol, which is related to serious negative consequences for both youth and society. A recent development is that young people nowadays place a lot of posts about this alcohol use on Social Networking Sites (SNS), such as Facebook and Instagram. Alarmingly, most of these messages show alcohol in a positive light.
This project investigates how and why young adolescents talk about alcohol on SNS, as well as the effects of alcohol-related SNS-posts on young peoples´ alcohol consumption, and the conditions under which these effects occur. Moreover, an intervention-plan will be developed and tested to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol-related posts on SNS, see also www.alcoholsns.com
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Hanneke Hendriks
- Status: started on 2016
- Subsidiegever: Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)
- Subsidiebedrag: €250.000
- PhD project: The role of interpersonal communication within school interventions
The aim of the PhD project is to understand how the effects of health interventions are mediated or moderated by interpersonal communication. To this end, we examine how teachers communicate about the health intervention with students, how students communicate with classmates and respond to the communication of their teacher, and how the effects of the health intervention depend on interpersonal communication by teachers and students. Another aim of the project is to improve the health intervention based on the knowledge of content of interpersonal communication.’
- PhD-student: Mathijs Mesman
- Promotor: Prof. dr. Bas van den Putte
- Co-promotor: dr. Hanneke Hendriks and dr. Simone Onrust
- Status: started in 2017