Published on September 26 2017 – On Friday November 24th 2017, The Amsterdam Center for Health Communication will organize a symposium, entitled “Tailoring for health: from theoretical idea to practical intervention”. The symposium starts at 12:00 and will end at 18:00 and attendance is free of charge. The symposium will have a mix of speakers from science and practice, including Prof. Dr. Hans Brug and Prof. Dr. Hein de Vries, who were among the first to study tailoring effects in the Netherlands. The symposium will cover such topics as the why, what, and how of tailoring, new tailoring strategies, the public health impact of tailoring, the implementation of tailoring strategies in practice, and the technical background of tailoring. The symposium will close with a keynote lecture from Professor Mia Lustria (Florida State University), entitled ‘Re-Envisioning Tailoring: New Directions for Designing and Evaluating Tailored Interventions’
The program (PDF in Dutch) can be downloaded here.
If you have questions about the symposium, please contact Dr. Eline Smit (
If you are interested in attending this symposium, please register via this link – note that there is limited amount of registrations available.
Update October 6 2017: the maximum number of registrations has been reached. You can register for the reserve list via this link.
The symposium is sponsored by the Research Priority Area ‘Personalized Communication’, NeFCA, and the NWO Veni-grant awarded to Eline Smit