- Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
CW : Persuasive Communication - Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam - M.deLooper@uva.nl
Naam: Melanie de Looper
PhD: Expected in 2021, University of Amsterdam
Promotors: Prof. dr. Julia van Weert, prof. dr. Ellen Smets (AMC)
MSc: 2015, Research Master Communication Science, University of Amsterdam
Interests: Patient-provider communication, ehealth & mhealth, aging, information processing
Research: In my PhD project it is investigated how implementing an online patient-directed tool can influence the processing, understanding and recall of health messages aimed at older cancer patients. First, in an experiment it will be studied how online health information should be presented to older cancer patients to increase motivation to process the information, understanding of the information and recall of the information. Based on the outcomes of this study an online patient-directed tool will be developed. In a randomized controlled trial, the effectiveness of exposure to a patient-directed web tool that is tailored to older colorectal cancer patients, compared to exposure to a standard website will be investigated. Effectiveness will be measured in terms of the patients’ (i.e.) evaluation of the communication, understanding of the information provided and recall of the information provided. In addition, underlying processes will be taken into account and differences between older (≥ 70 year) and younger (< 70 year) patients due to age-related factors will be studied. Ultimately, the aim is to provide guidance for optimizing online patient-directed tools aimed at older cancer patients.
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