The Amsterdam Center for Health Communication (ACHC) will organize a symposium, entitled “Alcohol and Social Networking Sites: Predictors and Effects of Youth’s Online Communication about Alcohol” on Friday December 9th 2016. The symposium starts at 12:30 and lasts until 18:00.
The symposium will be a mix of science and practice, with a diverse range of speakers from the Netherlands, Flanders, and the United States.
Talks will discuss (among other) the content of alcohol posts on social network sites (Hanneke Hendriks, University of Amsterdam; Kathleen Beullens (Leuven University), the effects of anti-alcohol interventions on Facebook (Jeroen Loman, Radboud University), the role of alcohol marketing on social media (Wim van Dalen, director STAP; Peter de Wolf, director STIVA), and a keynote from Megan Moreno from Washington University. The symposium will be held in Dutch, with the exception of the keynote.
If you have questions about the symposium, please contact
The program (PDF in Dutch) can be downloaded here.
If you are interested in attending this symposium, please register via this link – please note that there is limited amount of registrations available.
Registration is now closed