Chemotherapy: What do you know about it? A national research (OCA-3)

Good information about a cancer treatment such as chemotherapy, has positive effects on health. Adequate patient education takes different aspects that influence positive health outcomes into consideration. Knowledge, perception of side effects, information and communication needs and the use of information sources play a role in effective patient education. This study is designed to assess the current public knowledge and perceptions of chemotherapy treatment of both chemotherapy patients (those who receive or have received chemotherapy) and non-chemotherapy patients (those who have never been treated with chemotherapy). It also examined what factors influence knowledge. In addition, the information needs of patients, chemotherapy and non-chemotherapy patients, are being identified and evaluates the extent to which the information and communication needs of chemotherapy patients are met. Finally, this study provides insight into the (expected) use of information sources when looking for information about chemotherapy. In answering all these questions, we have special interest in differences between younger (< 65) and older (> 65) cancer patients. The results of this study provide tools to tailor the information to (older) chemotherapy patients on the existing knowledge, perception of side effects, information and communication needs, used information sources and the age of the patient. Insight in the public knowledge, perception of side effects, information and communication needs and the use of information sources can contribute to a better patient quality of information and communication with (older) cancer patients.
This research is conducted by the University of Amsterdam commissioned by Public Eyes.


Research team: Sifra Bolle
Prof. Julia van Weert
Status: Finished (report)
Financiering: AMGEN (unrestricted grant) en KWF kankerbestrijding.