Gepubliceerd op 30 januari 2025 – Op 3 en 4 februari 2025 vindt de jaarlijkse ‘Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap’ conferentie plaats, een belangrijke samenkomst voor communicatiewetenschappers uit Nederland en Vlaanderen. De conferentie wordt dit jaar georganiseerd in Brugge, door de afdeling Communicatiewetenschap van de KU Leuven.
ACHC wordt goed vertegenwoordigd op dit evenement, waarbij veel van onze leden presentaties zullen geven over hun onderzoeksprojecten, met name in de gezondheidscommunicatie divisie. Hieronder staat een overzicht van onze onderzoekers en de titel van hun Etmaal 2025-presentaties. Zien we je daar?
Wanneer? | Wie? (ACHC-leden vetgedrukt) | Wat? |
03/02/2025 – 14:20-15:20 | Mieke Oldeman, Melanie De Looper (presenter), Eline Smit, Bram Orobio de Castro, and Eva Van Reijmersdal | TikTok: A Digital Device or Digital Danger for Mental Health Information or Support among Adolescents? |
03/02/2025 – 15:30-16:30 | Annemiek Linn, Kaiyang Qin, Julia van Weert, Enny Das, Willeke van Roon-Mom, Saskia Koene, and Theo Araujo | Mapping the collective wisdom of online rare disease communities: Insights from the PIPA project |
03/02/2025 – 15:30-16:30 | David Blanco-Herrero, Toni van der Meer, and Bas van den Putte | Dutch Media Responses to Misinformation During COVID-19: Journalistic Strategies and Roles |
03/02/2025 – 15:30-16:30 | Nida Gizem Yilmaz, Claudi Bockting, and Barbara Schouten | Complexity science for depression across three generations Dutch-Turkish and DutchMoroccan people |
03/02/2025 – 17:00-18:00 | Spela Dolinsek, Christin Scholz, Julia C.M. van Weert, Bas van den Putte, and Corine Meppelink | Unintended harm? Examining the mental wellbeing impact of COVID-19 health messages and their effectiveness among students with lower and higher depressive symptoms |
03/02/2025 – 17:00-18:00 | Tonka Milošević, Marilisa Boffo, Esther Rozendaal, and Julia C.M. van Weert | Exploring public values in the context of mental well-being apps: University students’ perceptions – a case study with ROOM |
03/02/2025 – 17:00-18:00 | Divyaa Balaji, Carolin Ischen, Margot van der Goot, Tibor Bosse, Reinout Wiers, and Gert-Jan de Bruijn | It Takes Three to Tango: Exploring Users’ Perceptions of a Couples-Based Conversational Agent for Sexual Health Promotion |
04/02/2025 – 09:15-10:15 | Leonie Westerbeek, Annemiek Linn, Henk van Weert, Nathalie van der Velde, Stephanie Medlock, Ameen Abu-Hanna, and Julia van Weert | Facilitating shared decision-making in a fall prevention context: evaluating the SNOWDROP intervention with a randomized controlled trial |
04/02/2025 – 10:25-11:25 | Adriana Solovei, Saar Mollen, Julia van Weert, Marijn de Bruin, and Bas van den Putte | Communication during public health crises: a longitudinal analysis of the effects of news consumption, interpersonal communication, and trust in government on health behaviours |
04/02/2025 – 11:50-12:50 | Brittany M.C. Chan, Julia C.M. van Weert, Jeanine Suurmond, and Barbara C. Schouten | Navigating language barriers in healthcare: Building a conceptual model to develop a decision-aid for fulling healthcare providers and migrant patients’ language needs |
04/02/2025 – 11:50-12:50 | Liza van Lent, Nida Gizem Yilmaz, Simone Goosen, Jako Burgers, Stefano Giani, Barbara Schouten, and Miranda Langendam | Effectiveness of interpreters and other strategies for mitigating language barriers in health- and social care: A systematic review |
04/02/2025 – 11:50-12:50 | Angeliki Tsoukaneli, Liza G.G. van Lent, Julia C.M. van Weert, and Barbara C. Schouten | MentalHealth4All: Evaluating a multilingual communication platform to promote access to mental healthcare for low language proficient migrants across Europe |
04/02/2025 – 11:50-12:50 | Brandon Victor and Annemiek Linn | Cluster Analysis of User Profiles in Online Rare Disease Communities: Insights into Behavior, Information, and Support Needs |
04/02/2025 – 11:50-12:50 | Bas van den Putte, David Blanco-Herrero, and Toni van der Meer | Trust-based and tailored. Strategies of information intermediaries to address health misinformation among underserved groups during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Het volledige programma van Etmaal 2025 is hier te vinden.