dr. Sanne Schinkel


  • Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
    CW : Persuasive Communication
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht  166
    1018 WV  Amsterdam
  • S.Schinkel1@uva.nl

    Sanne Schinkel
    MSc: 2010, University of Amsterdam
    PhD: 2015, University of Amsterdam
    Dissertation: “What do you think I should do?” Understanding intercultural medical communication in general practice
    Interests: Health Communication, doctor-patient communication, information seeking behavior, patient participation, intercultural communication.
    Research: My research focuses on cultural differences in patient preferences (e.g., information and participation preferences), strategies for seeking health information and communicative behavior during a consultation with the GP. I am specialized in research among ethnic minority patients. I am also interested in the relation between pre-consultation preferences and the actual behavior during the consultation and in the influence of concordance between doctor and patient (in e.g. communication style, participation preferences and intercultural focus) on the communication between doctor and patient and satisfaction with the communication.Link: Uva profile